
Welcome to my website! Here, I provide my teaching experienceresearch projects, personal interests, and CV.

I am an Academic Specialist in the Center for Integrative Studies in General Science and Department of Integrative Biology at Michigan State University. In addition to this position, I teach during the summer at Kellogg Biological Station. Research spans undergraduate biology education and avian communication.

To contact me, please send me an email or fill out the website contact form. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn, ResearchGate, and Academia.

Thank you for visiting!

Dr. Andrea Bierema

Featured post

Instructional Technology Award

Again, I am happy to announce that my hybrid-style of ISB 202 received the AT&T instructional technology award. This video describes how I use technology to teach a flipped style course in a large lecture hall. I also thank my team members, the ULAs, for their assistance: Sumit Barn, Madeline Carr, Joao Paulo Gurgel, Katie O’donnell, and Pranav Ramesh.

Instructional Technology Award

Using various technologies in class, such as D2L, Brightspace Pulse, Kaltura, and CATME, I teach my large lecture course in a flipped style. This means that students learn some of the basic content before class and then use class time to work in teams while applying concepts to case studies. Because of my approach, I received the 2019 AT&T Instructional Technology award! My introduction will be posted soon!

AAC&U Presentation

I along with Claudia Vergara, Sara Miller, Gabe Ording presented how we incorporate information literacy and environmental science literacy objectives into my environmental science course (ISB 202) for business majors. Check out the syllabus and objectives for the course here!

STEM Teaching & Learning Fellowship

I, along with Bob Drost, John Mugg, and Osvaldo Hernandez, have been accepted into the STEM Teaching & Learning Fellowship. During this 2-year fellowship, we will be working on incorporating scientific practices and cross-cutting concepts in our non-science majors courses.

MSU Conference Proposal Accepted

Although I have been a presenter periodically, it has been about two years since I was the lead author of a conference presentation. I am happy to say that I will be presenting again soon! My presentation titled “Classroom Management of Student Teams in Large Enrollment Courses” was just accepted in the “2018 Teaching and Learning Spring Conference” at Michigan State University. I am looking forward to learning a lot from my colleagues and to sharing my experiences!

CBE Paper Published

Christina Schwarz, Jon Stoltzfus, and I just had a paper published in CBE- Life Sciences! This paper goes into detail on how undergraduates in large-enrollment courses work together in small groups to make sense of biological phenomona during modeling activities. The full text, including supplementary materials describing the modeling activities, are included in the Research section. Check it out! It’s titled: Engaging undergraduate biology students in scientific modeling: Analysis of group interactions, sense-making, and justification

New Twitter Account

Just started a new Twitter account. I love to learn about new ideas to use in my college classroom. Whenever I learn about new ideas, I will be tweeting them. I’m doing this for two reasons: one, to share with my community, and two, to remind myself to try them! See the bottom of this page for the latest. @AndreaBierema

CISGS and Integrative Biology Position

I am excited to announce that I just started a new position at Michigan State University! My new position is at the Center for Integrative Studies in General Science (CISGS) and Integrative Biology. As an Academic Specialist, my appointment is teaching focused. I will primarily be teaching two non-science major courses:

  • ISB 202, Applications of Environmental and Organismal Biology, and
  • ISB 204, Applications of Biomedical Sciences

I am joining a team that highly encourages a student-centered classroom and I will continue teaching a “flipped” class that allows for class time to primarily consist on student team activities. The CISGS Learning Goals focus on learning science via scientific practices.

Not only am I happy to be a member of the CISGS and Integrative Biology teams but also continuing to be a part of Michigan State University, which provides ample professional development opportunities!

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